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진정한 변화에 동참해주세요

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메시지를 공유하시겠습니까?
활동에 동참하세요

We are in urgent need of your warm attention and support.
Over the past four years, our organization has been growing while providing free education to young students, all without any government or external support. What started with just 10 children has now grown to 30 students, thanks to the support of the children and their parents. As we continue to offer free classes and meals, we now find ourselves in need of your valuable help.
With your support, we will continue providing quality education and meals to families in need.
기부 양식입니다. 단체에 대한 정보나 사람들의 기여가 어떻게 목표 달성에 최고의 도움을 줄 수 있는지 등에 대해 추가적으로 설명하여 사이트 방문자들이 바로 기부를 할 수 있도록 권장해주세요.
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